Get started with Running on PitPat

Get started with Running on PitPat

Are you ready to take your running and fitness journey to the next level? It's time to introduce you to the exciting new membership program for PitPat Smart Fitness App! PitPat has been working tirelessly to create a comprehensive experience that will not only help you reach your fitness goals but also make every step of your journey more enjoyable and rewarding.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through the amazing features and benefits of PitPat Smart Fitness App and its membership, showing you why it's the perfect choice for anyone looking to improve their fitness and overall well-being via running on smart treadmills. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting your fitness journey, this app and membership are designed to elevate your running experience to new heights.

What is PitPat?

PitPat stands as a pioneering smart home fitness app, offering distinctive online running event modes that introduce a fresh dimension of exercise for all individuals who prefer running within the comfort of their own homes.

Why PitPat?

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, finding effective and convenient ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle has never been more crucial. This is where the power of smart fitness apps comes into play. Why choose a smart fitness app, you may wonder? Well, the answer lies in the remarkable fusion of cutting-edge technology and fitness expertise that these apps offer, revolutionizing the way we approach our physical well-being. In this article, we'll explore the compelling reasons to embrace a smart fitness app as your trusted companion on your journey to a healthier, fitter you.

Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting, the advantages of integrating these apps into your routine are manifold and cater to a wide range of needs and goals. So, let's dive into the world of smart fitness apps and discover why they are a game-changer for anyone seeking a more effective, enjoyable, and sustainable approach to fitness and well-being.

Be An Avatar Creator

Customize your avatar with a wide range of options, from stylish outfits and exclusive jerseys, and more. Plus&Pro members can have an extra unique outfit. Keep yourself active and conquer those hills to earn valuable points and cash.

For Plus Member:

pitpat plus member avatar

For Pro Member:

pitpat pro member avatar

Earn Badges & Get Monetary Rewards

Maintain your motivation as you collect badges and accomplishments for the routes you run and jog. Engage in PitPat races, where you have the opportunity to secure cash rewards that can be seamlessly transferred to your PayPal account, providing that extra incentive to stay active and on the move. Plus&Pro members can withdraw in 24 hours. (Except Weekends and Holidays)

pitpat app

Plenty Of Free Training Course

PitPat offers a diverse selection of courses catering to various groups of individuals. Whether you're in pursuit of fitness, weight loss, or flexibility, you can easily find a program that aligns with your specific goals right here.

Plenty Of Free Training Course

Track The Fitness Data At Anytime

Within the PitPat app, you can monitor your health data, encompassing metrics such as steps, heart rate, calories, and more. Simultaneously, PitPat devises a comprehensive and science-backed fitness plan tailored to your physical condition. All that's left for you to do is to stay committed and consistent in your journey.

Track The Fitness Data At Anytime

Professional AI Coach & Personalized Training Plan

Our team of experienced professional coaches has meticulously crafted a diverse range of training programs, encompassing warm-up routines, bodybuilding workouts, marathon training, yoga sessions, and much more. We prioritize the safety and inclusivity of our free treadmill running app, ensuring it caters to users of all ages. PitPat proudly stands as the top choice for a virtual running app designed specifically for treadmill workouts.

Different Iconic Races

Select from different routes and races to infuse each training session with novelty and added challenge.

pitpat Different Iconic Races

What is the PitPat smart fitness app membership?

Let's start by answering the most important question: What is the PitPat Smart Fitness App membership all about? The membership offers exclusive access to a wide range of features and services designed to help you become a better, healthier, and happier runner.

  • Personalized Training Plans:

Tailored to your fitness level and goals.

  • Advanced Running Metrics:

Get detailed insights into your performance. People can check their data record at any time, which is preserved permanently.

  • Interactive Challenges:

Compete with other members and keep yourself motivated.

  • In-App Community:

Connect with like-minded runners to share experiences and tips.

  • Guided Workouts:

Follow AI coaches-led workouts to improve your running technique.

  • Exclusive Special Rewards:

Join in special races and get rewards.

  • Early Access:

Experience new 3D maps in PitPat first.

new 3D maps in PitPat

Why choose the PitPat membership?

Now, let's delve into the reasons why you should consider PitPat membership. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Achieve Your Goals Faster:

With personalized training plans and advanced metrics, runners are on the fast track to their fitness goals.

  • Stay Motivated:

Engage with the community, take on challenges, join in competitions, and access expert guidance to stay motivated and inspired.

  • Enhance Your Performance:

Improve the running technique and overall performance with professional AI coaches-led workouts and insights.

  • Enjoy a Healthier Lifestyle:

Discover the importance of nutrition and overall health, ensuring you feel great both on and off the track.

  • Access Exclusive Resources:

Our plus content library is packed with unique outfits, exclusive customer service, and unlimited points that can help you have a better running experience.

How to Join PitPat?

Ready to take the leap and become a member of the PitPat Fitness App community? It's as easy as 1-2-3:

  • Download the App:

If you haven't already, download the App from your app or Android store.

  • Sign Up:

Create an account or log in if you're an existing user.

  • Choose Your Membership:

Contact customer service and select the membership plan that suits your needs and goals.

  • Start Running:

Connect to your smart treadmill and start running.

PitPat Membership

PitPat Membership Since October , 2023

Membership Level

PitPat User

PitPat Member

PitPat Member Plus

Pro Member



$199 /Year

$99 Season Pass



Hardware Product

10MPH High-Speed Teadmill (Pro Members Only)





7.5MPH Treadmill(Plus Members Only)





Race Benefits

Receive $40 worth of monthly race coupon package



3 months

6 months

6 months

Receive 5000 PitPat Points per month



$30 discount for Smart Treadmill


Special Rewards


PitPat Benefits

Experience a new 3D map in PitPat first



Data Record (Preserve Permanently)


Fitness Course (AI Coach)



Unique Icon (Members Only)


Unique Outfit  (Plus&Pro Members Only)



24-hour withdrawal (Except Weekends and Holidays)



Your Own Customer Service (Quick Response)



Unlimited Points



Additional Notes:
  1. Users can only enjoy the basic functions of the PitPat, such as watching or participating in races, running reports, data logging (1 year), and PitPat points.
  2. Season Pass Upgrade: Pay an additional $300 to upgrade to a Plus Annual Membership. You will receive a free 7.5MPH Treadmill and enjoy all the benefits of Plus Annual Membership from the date of activation. (Dates will be cumulative if the season pass has not expired)
  3. Annual Plus membership and Pro membership will add annual benefit packages to help users upgrade or renew their membership, so stay tuned.
  1. Receive 3 monthly coupon packages for Season Pass and 6 monthly coupon packages for Plus and Pro Members. Each package is worth $40.
  2. Race coupons cannot be used for Team Challenge and Goal Race.
  3. Treadmill coupons can not be stacked.
  4. For more information, please contact customer service.
  5. We will start deliver the brand new 10MPH high-speed treadmill within 60 days, and if you have any questions, please contact customer service.

With $100 off, now $299 package which includes one Treadmill and one-year membership, and receive $40 worth of race coupons each month for 3 months.


In conclusion, PitPat membership is your ticket to unlocking the full potential of your running journey. We're here to support and guide you every step of the way, whether you're training for a marathon, trying to shed a few pounds, or simply looking to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience a smarter, more rewarding way to run. Join PitPat membership today, and let's start the journey together. Lace-up your shoes, and let's hit the road!

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What Muscles Do The Treadmill Work?
30 Minute Treadmill Workout

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